
Human Genetics

Human Genetics
The European Human Genetics conference is organized annually by the European Society of Human Genetics (ESHG) with the aim of promoting research in basic and applied human and medical genetics as well as facilitating contact between individuals with common interests in this field. Fortunately, I had a great chance to attend this year conference held during 21th-24th May in Barcelona, Spain thanks a travel grant from NBS. The European Human Genetics Conference has become one of the premier events in the field of human genetics with over 3000 participants, more than 215 oral presentations, 18 workshops, 8 educational sessions, and over 150 exhibiting companies. The conference was joined with the European Meeting on Psychological Aspects of Genetics (EMPAG) this year. Therefore, there were many sessions running in parallel and I, as a master student in medical biology, had a wide range of choices. I tried to consider those topics which were mostly related to my current field of research: Functional characterization of mutations associated with the autosomal recessive cerebellar ataxia (ARCA) disease.

The conference was started with some educational sessions on Saturday morning. These sessions were designed to give a general basic introduction to certain topics through addressing basic issues and focusing on educational aspects of genetics. I decided to attend the session under the title "Genetic privacy and data sharing" and consist of two very interesting parts about some genome hacking techniques and databases capable of tracing the identity of real persons through a process consisting of three main steps: first, Short Tandem Repeats (STRs) sequences are extracted from the whole exome sequencing (WES) datasets. N
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