Tidsskrift for norsk psykologforening

Goleman påstår faktisk at emosjonell intelligens er fire ganger så viktig som intelligens.
I SISTE NUMMER av Psykologtidsskriftet hevder psykolog Daniel Goleman at jeg har feilsitert ham på at emosjonell intelligens er fire ganger så viktig som intelligens. Jeg har ikke feilsitert ham, han påstår faktisk dette i følgende avsnitt fra boken Working with emotional intelligence (Goleman, 1998).
«In an unusual study begun at the University of California at Berkeley in the 1950s, eighty Ph. D. students in science went through an intensive battery of IQ and personality tests, as well as extensive interviews with psychologists who evaluated them on such qualities as emotional balance and maturity; integrit
Gå til mediet«In an unusual study begun at the University of California at Berkeley in the 1950s, eighty Ph. D. students in science went through an intensive battery of IQ and personality tests, as well as extensive interviews with psychologists who evaluated them on such qualities as emotional balance and maturity; integrit