The American and the Netherlander first met on an arranged ferry outing toCopenhagen.
Jonathan vanHaaster (24), the Dutchman,mentions something about first talking together on a short bus ride. But it apparently did not do it for his now girlfriend, Samantha Frace(25).
Impressed byhim
- No, wait, Fracecorrects:
- The first week, the orientation week, shesays.
Frace remembers that in one of the activities the international students were supposed to do drawings of things that represented their identity. Frace found itcutethat VanHaaster drewafootball to represent his ambitions as a sportsjournalist:
- And I found it impressive that he was so sure of what he wanted to do. We were only22then.
And that made Frace remember him from the busride.
While Frace came to Norway in 2014 to do part of her bachelor's in economics and administration, Van Haaste