
Light-harvesting bacteria

Light-harvesting bacteria
Photosynthesis research combines many aspects of natural sciences in a unique mixture of biology, chemistry and physics. During the International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes (ISPP), all these different aspects are covered within five days. Thanks to the NBS travel grant, I could present my research at the ISPP and meet the top researchers in my field.
Photosynthesis is a fascinating process: it converts CO2 and sunlight into energy and, in some species, oxygen. Apart from being a captivating research subject, photosynthesis may also help us face modern-day challenges such as finding alternative, renewable energy sources and capturing excess CO2.

So where does the process of photosynthesis originate? Phototrophic (“light-utilizing") bacteria such as cyanobacteria have evolved this mechanism billions of years ago: they are the reason why we have an oxygenated atmosphere today. In less technical terms: cyanobacteria are the reason you and I exist in the first place, and that we enjoy breathing oxygen today. However, as simple as photosynthesis may seem, the underlying mechanisms are complex, and we still only understand small parts of it. Combining different aspects of biology, chemistry and physics can help us to further improve our understanding of photosynthesis.

The International Symposium on Phototrophic Prokaryotes (ISPP) gives researchers from different fields an opportunity to meet and exchange ideas every three years. This conference covers photosynthetic bacteria that use diverse machineries to capture light and fix CO2and are adapted to a wide variety of environments. This year, for its' 16th edition, the conference moved to Vancouver, Canada, where it took place from 5th
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